In 1964, Brother Thompson relocated to Canada to continue his efforts toward obtaining a better life. In 1966 he married Edna Fullerton who now was included in the prophetic work that God had bestowed through these two individuals. Again, the Lord had other intentions for his life, and he became an ordained minister in 1967. He worshipped and laboured with other neighbouring apostolic churches in Toronto for some time until the call of the Lord became evident in his life. In 1970 Minister Thompson began to Pastor a church as he carried out the great commission of the Lord. This year marked the inauguration of the First United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic under the leadership of Pastor D.W. Thompson in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Pastor Thompson's ministry did not escape opposition from Satan, but any great work will always be challenged. He states: "Amidst difficulties and trials over the years, God has been by the side of Bethlehem." Pastor Thompson often parallels Bethlehem's experience to the biblical account of Israel's wilderness experience as they journeyed from Egypt into the promised land. Pastor Thompson emphasizes that God has always been with them through their valley experience, and today God has elevated Bethlehem to a place of liberation and prosperity. Despite the odds and opposition from others who thought he would not make it, Pastor Thompson has assisted in establishing churches in 6 provinces in Canada. These include one in British Columbia, two in Alberta, one in Saskatchewan, one in Manitoba, one in Quebec and four in Ontario. In 1996 through a miracle of the Lord, Bethlehem relocated to #1 Leswyn Road, which seats over 800 people! God sanctioned his ministry on November 22, 1997 as he became an ordained Bishop. It became apparent that God had a higher calling in his life.

Pastor Thompson's vision is to establish a church in each province's major city throughout Canada's dominion. He is determined to carry out the work of the Lord by preaching this universal gospel which transcends all ethnicities, creeds, colours etc. He states that the gospel is not for a specific group or community, but the gospel of salvation is for all those willing to accept Jesus Christ.

presiding Bishop
dorant w. thompson

Over 50 years ago, the Lord began to speak through his servant, then Dorant Thompson. Initially, like other immigrants who saw the attraction and prosperity of migrating to a "first world" country, Dorant followed the huge influx of emigration that existed at the time in Jamaica. As a native of Jamaica, he boldly and courageously moved to an unknown territory to establish himself in a strange land. He had not yet been acquainted with Jesus Christ, but it was clear that the Lord had his hand in his life.

In 1961, Dorant Thompson landed in England in hopes of a better life. Ironically, better was still yet to come. In November of that year, he was invited to an Apostolic church in Birmingham under the pastoral ministry of the late Bishop S.A. Dunn. Dorant accepted the Lord as his personal Saviour. This was the beginning of something great, momentous, and unstoppable. The Lord had rested his hand on Dorant, and it was soon revealed of the great work he would establish in his life.