thompson’s institute of biblical studies
WAS LAUNCHED ON may 4th, 2024
@1:00 pm est on zoom

Welcome to TIBS! All TIBS courses are offered online. Students can access their courses from a computer or a mobile device.

Our courses are $250 each. There is a one-time registration fee of $50.00.

Once your application is accepted, an email will be sent with your username which will allow you to create a password and access your online profile.
We are happy you are here!

For info, contact: 1-778-513-2465 or 1-647-633-7442


The Thompson Institute of Biblical Studies exists to train individuals to defend, expound, and share the Oneness gospel through a comprehensive study of God's Word.


The Thompson Institute of Biblical Studies will provide a positive learning environment which will allow students to enhance and further develop a Christ-centered knowledge and deeper understanding of the Bible.

Faculty and Staff

Acting President
Bishop Elect Daniel K. Samuels

Dean of Studies
Elder Herrol Sadler

Associate Dean and Professor
Elder Randall Foreman

Evangelist Marie Vaughn-Cadmus

Evangelist Dedrian Barnaby

Finance Committee
Evangelist Sharon Robb, Evangelist Andrea Samuels,
Missionary Judith Agho

Missionary Carl Benjamin, Evangelist Alitta Cadmus

Admission Admins
Missionary Kadian Smith, Sister Ifetola Fleary

Academic Admins
Evangelist Majorie Charles, Sister Sandra Bailey

Areas of Study

Course of study

  • This course brings out the importance of studying God’s Word and the named sins of the Bible. Every aspect of the Apostolic Doctrine as it is according to the principles of the Word of God is covered in this discussion, as well as what the scriptures teach for mankind today regarding the law and Sabbath.

    Number of credits: 3

    Length of course: 15 weeks (1 semester)

    3 hours of course study per week includes lectures, quizzes, or exams.

    The instructor meets with the student for 1 1/2 hours per week in class for 15 weeks and the next 1 ½ hours is earmarked for assignments, projects/quizzes, and exams.

    Proposed start date: Coming next semester

  • In our study of Typology, we can find that throughout the scriptures the Bible is full of many types and shadows of the Old Testament. We will examine how they relate to the plan of salvation given by the Lord Jesus Christ. In this course we also find that there are many typical instructions within the word of God. This class will examine how Typology functions in interpreting the Old Testament using the Tabernacle as our focal point. The writings of the New Testament are proof of the types within God’s word. We will find in the New Testament that there are a large number of writings from the Old Testament of different persons, things, and events. Some of them are viewed as a design, a plan, or prophesy of something or someone of the future.

    The study of Typology used to be one of the most studied subjects. At one time there was a large interest in the study of Typology. Because of this great interest there have been many books written on this subject. As I am sure that many of them were worthy of reading some others were possibly questionable in their validity of interpretation. Today, we don’t hear a lot about the subject of typology due to the way the subject has been approached by many writers. Typology can be one of the most rewarding subjects for a Christian if studied in the right context.

    Number of credits: 3

    Length of course: 15 weeks (1 semester)

    3 hours of course study per week includes lectures, quizzes, or exams.

    The instructor meets with the student for 1 1/2 hours per week in class for 15 weeks and the next 1 ½ hours is earmarked for assignments, projects/quizzes, and exams.

    Proposed start date: Sept 14, 2024

  • This course teaches how sometimes God allows adversity in our lives to help teach us some basic principles of trust and obedience towards Him and the importance of self-evaluation. Adversity is not always the enemy but sometimes it helps bring life’s situations into perspective spiritually, socially, financially, physically, mentally, and in our family life.

    Number of credits: 3

    Length of course: 15 weeks (1 semester)

    3 hours of course study per week includes lectures, quizzes, or exams.

    The instructor meets with the student for 1 1/2 hours per week in class for 15 weeks and the next 1 ½ hours is earmarked for assignments, projects/quizzes, and exams.

    Proposed start date: Coming soon

  • This course has been prepared to inform the student that the mercy of God has come to the Gentile Christians through Israel and is to be reciprocated to Israel and to the Jewish people. We will learn some practical ways to accomplish this responsibility.

    Number of credits: 3

    Length of course: 15 weeks (1 semester)

    3 hours of course study per week includes lectures, quizzes, or exams.

    The instructor meets with the student for 1 1/2 hours per week in class for 15 weeks and the next 1 ½ hours is earmarked for assignments, projects/quizzes, and exams.

    Proposed start date: Coming soon

  • Because of the unprecedented breakdown of family life in North America and by extension across the world, we must understand God’s concept of family living. This study will cover topics such as God’s order for the family, the husband’s role in the family, the role of the wife, and the role of the children. The biblical concepts and teachings will be explored on what God expects from the family. Each student will gain an understanding of the importance of following God’s laws for family responsibilities to successfully combat the pressures that have been able to destroy and divide so many marriages.

    Number of credits: 3

    Length of course: 15 weeks (1 semester)

    3 hours of course study per week includes lectures, quizzes, or exams.

    The instructor meets with the student for 1 1/2 hours per week in class for 15 weeks and the next 1 ½ hours is earmarked for assignments, projects/quizzes, and exams.

    Proposed start date: Coming soon

The objective of the student is to complete the required amount of time of study for each course and pass before any credits can be given for the course of study completion.


  • Must be 18 or older

  • Spiritually matured and have the blessing of your local Pastor

  • High School Diploma or equivalent is required